Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 2: 20 facts about me

Here are 20 facts about me..

  1. I'm half Mexican. So is my husband, believe it or not. 
  2. I have a shoe fetish. Especially running shoes. You can never have too many!
  3. I have to have ice with my drink, unless its milk or something. gross.
  4. I'm not a HUGE chocolate fan. I emphasize huge, because I do like chocolate, but can only handle so much.
  5. As I kind of mentioned before. I was Miss California National Teenager 2007. Those were the days..
  6. This is the first time I haven't worked since I graduated High School. It was SO weird at first. But in a way I'm still working because being a mom is definitely a constant job!
  7. I love Dr. Pepper but am trying to rid of this obsession. 
  8. I love Mexican food. ironic? I think not. 
  9. I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers. You can call us the Brady bunch.
  10. I could drink smoothies for every meal of the day. Jamba Juice is my jam!
  11. I am very competitive with almost everything; sports, board games, you name it.
  12. I'm not the biggest fan of getting my picture taken right now...
  13. I love to decorate. Maybe I should have gone to school for interior design!
  14. I also have a lip gloss obsession. You truly cant have enough!
  15. I want a cat SO bad. but I have an allergic husband who prevents this dream. :(
  16. I love to go to yard sales, but honestly I sometimes would rather sleep in on Saturdays than go dig for some treasures..Its been awhile, lets just say that.
  17. I like to write. I don't feel that I am some fantastic writer, but I have been thinking about going back to school only because I love to write and miss writing papers..I know I'm crazy and once I go back to school I know I'll hate it. 
  18. I like to have plans or know whats going to happen. ex. What is going to happen after my husband graduates. I have no clue what's going to happen and where we will end up buying our first house because of his job, depends on where he gets a great one. That kind of drives me crazy. We know where we want to live, but sometimes we don't always get what we want. 
  19. I plan to run a half marathon, and then a full one sometimes in the near future. But for this year, I think I will start with a 5k. :) 
  20. My favorite holiday is every single one. It always brings family and friends together and I love nothing more! Although Christmas and Thanksgiving are some of my top favs, only because of the delicious baking that goes on during this time!

31 Day Blog Challenge.

If you follow my family blog, then you know that I just recently finished my 30 day blog challenge there. Well I figured it might be a good start to do it on here to get things rolling with more posts on this blog! So here it goes! Along with my daily posts this month, I hope to post more posts in between about crafts/thrifting/shopping I've done! 

Day 1: Introduction
My names Ali/Alex/Alexandria/Bubba.. you name it. Bubba has been my family nickname since I was a baby. Don't believe me? Well I'll show you..Here is a picture from when I was little..this isn't my "bubba" picture but I'm still pretty chubs. 

Anywho, I've been called Alex most of my life. Ali was my "stage name" when I was Miss California National director felt it was more feminine and less common than Alex. When my husband and I started dating, he thought Steven and Alex So Ali came about again and now that is what seems normal to me! weird. Well I've been married to my dream man for almost 4 years now. That seems pretty insane. We have the cutest little white boy with beautiful blue eyes and the cheesiest grin who is 6 months old. We can't get enough of him, and I'm sure I will post a lot about him, so bear with me!
I mean could you not resist this picture?!

 We are both from California. Completely opposite areas, but now our parents live close to each other. Convenient for us! We have grown to love Utah for a lot of things, but still miss a great deal of Cali life! I've graduated from Paul Mitchell the School doing what I love most, hair and makeup! I worked in a wonderful salon before I had the little man. You should check out Taylor D' Shaw Salon, It is highly recommended if you're looking for a new place to try out. You won't be disappointed! I do miss doing hair and makeup and will be going back real soon just a few days a week, But my most favorite job would definitely be doing what I'm doing right now, a mom! As hard, and trying as it can be, I wouldn't give it up for the world! My husband is still in school, working, and also in the Army Reserves. Yup, I'm an army wife! No, I NEVER in a million years, thought those words would ever come out of my mouth, nor did I want them to. But I have accepted it and think it has been a great route for our family!
See that tall white guy in the middle?.Yup thats my sexy husband in his uniform when he was at basic training! ..Its ok, you can be jealous ;) 
Yes. we live in Utah, and yes we are LDS/Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it. Read that talk its pretty awesome and very true. At Church my calling is over the Mommy and Me group. Its designed for new and experienced moms who have little ones at home to get together once a week for a support group and play date with our kids. We do various activities from going to parks, doing arts and crafts, play games, snacks, you name it. We have a good time! And it's really nice to get to know the moms in my ward better. So I will be posting a lot of cheap and kid friendly crafts that we do on here, as well as some activities. get excited!
This past month of April has come to be quite the busy month! I thought being at home with my little man would be such a breeze and super nice with lots of free time on my hands. Some days yes, I get to lounge around and play with him, but I feel like I am more busy! Aside from baby duties, I feel like I'm always running around somewhere trying to get something done. I guess its good to be busy, but I didn't expect it. The past few weeks have been filled with lots of meetings, crafts, baby/bridal shower, wedding, friends, and family. And it just continues every week! Its nice to have something to look forward to, and I guess it will give me something to blog about! :)
Have a fabulous night! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Delayed start.

I apologize for the lack of posts. Life can get a little crazy sometimes with an ever growing baby who I just want to record every second because I think he is so cute and the most hilarious little guy ever. (first time mom problems?) 
Anyhow, here is one of my projects I actually wasn't planning on doing but ended up doing it since Calvin took an extra long nap that day. (what a glorious day that was). I was painting another piece of furniture and finished with lots of paint still left and thought hmmm is there anything else I wanna paint? Sure there is! I love love love painting! So I decided to do our desk.
Now I was terrible and didnt take a before picture. But I have part of the desk and wall space above it in this glamorous picture of the little man a few months ago.
So As you can see...The desk is from Ikea and is the lighter wood. Above the desk I had a collage wall with tons of pictures and what not with that lovely lamp that I STILL need to fix. It just looked really cluttered looking and the other side of the room seemed empty. I'll take more pictures tomorrow of the other side of the room, ( I didn't get any today because of a lovely teething babe :( ). So this is the final product, I love this color green and how it all turned out! 
For another remake...I actually took pictures this the last minute! one sucks more than the other because one is with my phone and the other my camera...
I was tired of all the black and white throughout my house, mainly the front room and kitchen. We had these two great Ikea pillows that I love, can't remember how much, but not that expensive if I recall. I decided to recover them with som fabric, It only took a half a yard and is by far the fastest and easiest project ever. I'm pleased with how they turned out and love having more color in my house :)

Here's before:

 And Here's after:

 Such a happier place! :)

And one last "snazzy" find for the week..
A shopping cart cover. My little man is starting to hate his carseat, maybe because he's getting to big? He loves to sit in the cart at the store, even though he can't quite sit up unsupported yet, the strap supports him in the cart and it pleases his curious little mind. But I know how many germs are on those carts and it freaks me out a little bit. no matter how many times I wipe them down or use hand sanitizer. So I've been on the hunt for one, and thought It would be cheaper for me to just make didn't seem that hard. Well while I was at Kid to Kid the other day grabbing some clothes for the little man since he is ever so growing and running out of clothes, I browsed around and saw this cute shopping cart cover for $6!

You can't even buy fabric that cheap to make the thing! SCORE!
Best thing about it? Its gender neutral and I can use it for a boy or a girl!

Well that's all for tonight. Again sorry for the delay.
Tomorrow I'll be posting some "snazzy" fashion finds!
Like some SERIOUSLY ridiculous "snazzy" finds.
Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our Theme Song!

Macklemore - Thrift Shop: The Heist


First of all...


I am excited to start this blog, to share with you the awesome bargains I find and how to be frugal! Nothing is better than saving money. Happy wallet, happy marriage, happy life! 

I feel like there are a lot of things that we all have in our home that can be done over with a little paint, fabric, glue, (glitz?). If you dont have a lot of money but want to give your home or wardrobe a face lift? Well, Let's do it! It IS possible. promise :) 

So while I will be posting some of my "snazzy" finds; I would love to hear from my readers if there is a project you might need help with, ideas, or even help with! I love me a good project! Just comment here, or send me an email at! 

To get started here are a few Snazzy deals I recently scored! 

First we have this lovely Armoire! It was actually a christmas present I picked out. It was $20 bucks at one of my favorite stores; Thrift Town! $20! such a steal! Currently I am still in the process of fixing it up and will be finishing the last touches hopefully by the end of next week! I can't wait to show you guys!

Second we have this little portable crib. My little man and I stayed at my parents house for a few weeks and were on the hunt for a bed we could keep there instead of hauling our crib on the plane. we found this adorable little bed in great condition for.......drum roll....$5! It was at a garage sale, and the little mattress pad had some tears on it so we just sewed an old sheet onto it. 

 Next we got this bedding from Savers for..$10!!

And last but not least, my most recent find and one of my favorites! I scored these cute items at Thrift Town as well. (I'm telling you this is the place) The top is from Banana Republic and the skirt is from Nordstrom - Bobeau is the brand. One of my favorite things to do when I find cute clothes at the thrifts store is go home and look up what the original price was to see how much I scored! I dont always have luck, but I did with the skirt. The picture below is the exact skirt from nordstrom and its originally $69..I got it for $6 (with nordy tags still on it)! and the top was $1.99! I felt really good about this purchase :)

Bobeau Long Crinkle Skirt Womens White Black Color Chiffon Elastic Garment Clothing Article Of Vesture 

Well that's all I have for tonight! Thanks for stopping buy and I look forward to hearing from my readers! Pretty please please share with you friends! and Don't forget to like me on Facebook!

Have a Fabulous Night! 